
Breaking Barriers: Embracing Inclusive Design in eCommerce for All

July 14, 2023
8 min
inclusive design

Breaking Barriers: Embracing Inclusive Design in eCommerce for All

Inclusive design, also known as inclusive web design, is a transformative approach that aims to create digital products and platforms that can be accessed and used by individuals of diverse capabilities, ages, genders, cultures, and more. It encompasses the principles of accessibility, usability, and empathy, making sure that no one is left behind in the digital realm. We’ve written before about the features of inclusive design and how different companies are implementing it.

Take Google, for instance, which has embedded accessibility features like Live Edits in Google Docs, enabling visually impaired users to collaborate seamlessly with others in real time. Similarly, Microsoft has made significant strides by incorporating accessibility features such as the Windows Magnifier, which empowers users with visual impairments by enlarging the screen, and the Narrator, a screen-reading tool that audibly communicates the on-screen content. These examples highlight how inclusive design goes beyond good intentions, actively transforming technology to empower individuals and bridge the accessibility gap. By embracing its principles, we can shape a world where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can fully participate, contribute, and thrive in the digital realm.

In the context of eCommerce, inclusive design goes beyond mere aesthetics or functionality. It strives to create an inclusive shopping environment that breaks down barriers, embraces diversity, and fosters a sense of belonging for all users. In this article, we delve into the realm of inclusivity in design for eCommerce, exploring its principles, importance, and practical applications. 

The Importance of Inclusive Design in eCommerce

Inclusive Design in eCommerce

First and foremost, inclusive design ensures accessibility for all. By designing websites and online stores that are inclusive and user-friendly, businesses empower customers of all abilities to navigate through the shopping experience seamlessly. Whether someone is visually impaired, uses assistive technologies, or faces any other challenges, inclusivity in design removes barriers and provides equal access to products and services.

The inclusive design also fuels market expansion. By considering the diverse needs and preferences of users, eCommerce businesses can tap into new markets and reach a wider audience. When digital platforms are designed with inclusivity in mind, they cater to the unique requirements of different demographics, cultures, and communities. This inclusivity fosters a sense of belonging, attracts new customers, and strengthens brand loyalty.

Furthermore, inclusive design offers a competitive advantage. In today’s fiercely competitive eCommerce landscape, standing out from the crowd is essential. By prioritizing inclusivity in web design, businesses demonstrate their commitment to providing an accessible and user-friendly experience. This can differentiate them from competitors and create a positive brand image, ultimately driving customer acquisition and retention.

Last but not least, inclusive design contributes to a positive user experience. When individuals feel welcomed and valued, it enhances their overall satisfaction and encourages repeat purchases. Inclusivity aims to fulfill as many user needs as possible, ensuring that every customer feels seen and respected. By incorporating diverse perspectives and engaging a broad range of people in the design process, eCommerce businesses can create an inclusive web environment that celebrates diversity and fosters a strong sense of community.

To achieve inclusive design in eCommerce, collaboration and empathy are key. Design teams should embrace diversity, both within their team and during user testing, to gain valuable insights and perspectives. This collaborative approach leads to the development of universal designs that cater to the maximum number of users.

How do you make your eCommerce inclusive?

eCommerce inclusive

Creating an inclusive eCommerce website is not just about good intentions; it requires incorporating inclusive design principles into every aspect of your online store. By considering the diverse needs and abilities of users, you can ensure that your website is accessible and welcoming to all. Here are some best practices for making your eCommerce website inclusive:

  1. Develop your website to be screen reader compatible: Screen readers are essential tools for visually impaired users. By developing your website to be screen reader compatible, you enable these users to navigate your site effectively. Ensure that all website elements, including images, buttons, and form fields, are properly labeled and accessible through screen readers.
  2. Keep your online store website simple and minimalistic: A clutter-free design can benefit users with cognitive disabilities. Opt for a clean and minimalistic layout that avoids overwhelming colors, fonts, and images. Simplify the navigation and structure of your website, making it easy for all users to find and purchase products.
  3. Use diverse product photography: Representation matters. Including diverse products, photography showcases inclusivity and resonates with users from various backgrounds and cultures. Feature models of different ethnicities, body types, ages, and abilities. By doing so, you foster a sense of belonging and help users connect with your brand.
  4. Design for colorblind inclusivity: Colorblindness affects a significant number of users. Ensure that your website’s color scheme accommodates users with color vision deficiencies. Use sufficient color contrast and avoid relying solely on color to convey information. Incorporate text or other visual cues to ensure that all users can perceive important elements.
  5. Use clear and simple language: Use plain and understandable language throughout your website. From product descriptions to instructions and user interfaces, clarity is key. Avoid jargon, complex terms, and excessive technical language. By using simple language, you make your content accessible to users with varying language proficiency and cognitive abilities.
  6. Make your website responsive: With the rise of mobile devices, ensuring that your website is responsive and optimized for different screen sizes is crucial. A responsive design allows users to access and navigate your website seamlessly across desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Test your website on various devices to ensure a consistent and user-friendly experience.
  7. Involve users with disabilities in the design process: Who better to provide insights into accessibility than those directly impacted? Involve users with disabilities in your design process and user testing. They can offer valuable feedback and suggestions to enhance the accessibility and usability of your website.

By implementing these best practices, your eCommerce business can create an inclusive and accessible online shopping experience for all users. Inclusive design principles not only enhance accessibility but also demonstrate your commitment to inclusivity, fostering customer loyalty, and attracting a wider audience. Remember, inclusive web design is an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement and adaptation to meet the evolving needs of users.

Important points for creating inclusive design

creating inclusive design

Inclusive design is a transformative approach that aims to eliminate barriers and ensure that products and services cater to a wide range of users, irrespective of their age, gender, or abilities. When it comes to eCommerce, embracing inclusive web design principles becomes paramount to fostering accessibility and inclusivity. Here are some crucial points to consider when creating inclusive design:

Important Points for Creating Inclusive DesignExplanation
Recognize ExclusionIdentify and address points of exclusion within the design process to ensure inclusivity.
Understand User DiversityGain insights into the diverse needs and preferences of users to make informed design decisions.
Involve Diverse PerspectivesIncorporate a variety of perspectives and backgrounds to create a welcoming design for everyone.
Be Transparent and DescriptiveUse clear and simple language to make information accessible to all users.
Anticipate Product ImpactConsider the potential impact of your product on different users and environments.
Hire for DiversityBuild a diverse team that brings fresh perspectives to the design process.
Uncover User Needs and Pain PointsIdentify challenges and biases that may hinder user participation and offer alternative solutions.
Apply a Holistic ApproachDesign for multiple ways of user participation, accommodating various abilities and preferences.

What mistakes are made in the inclusive design process?

inclusive design process

To ensure an accessible eCommerce experience, it’s important to avoid these common pitfalls:

  • Making Inclusive Design an Afterthought: Inclusive web design should be integral to the entire design process, not an afterthought. By considering inclusivity from the start, designers can ensure that accessibility and inclusivity are woven into the fabric of their eCommerce platforms. Failure to do so may result in rushed or superficial attempts at inclusivity.
  • Not Involving Diverse Perspectives: Inclusive design necessitates the involvement of diverse perspectives and backgrounds. By neglecting to include a variety of voices, the design process may inadvertently exclude certain groups of people. Diverse perspectives provide valuable insights into the needs and experiences of different users, leading to more inclusive design outcomes.
  • Ignoring User Diversity: Inclusive web design requires a deep understanding of user diversity. Neglecting to consider the varying abilities, preferences, and cultural contexts of users can result in designs that exclude specific groups. By embracing user diversity and conducting thorough research, designers can create solutions that cater to a broader range of users.
  • Not Anticipating Product Impact: Failure to anticipate the impact of products on different users and environments can lead to exclusionary design. Inclusive design involves assessing how a product may be perceived or used by individuals with varying abilities, cultural backgrounds, or technological constraints. By proactively considering these factors, designers can ensure their solutions are truly inclusive.
  • Not Being Transparent and Descriptive: Clear and simple language is essential for inclusive design. Using unclear or overly complex language in product descriptions, instructions, and user interfaces can create barriers to understanding for some users. Prioritizing transparent and descriptive communication enables all users to access information effectively.
  • Not Hiring for Diversity: Building a diverse design team is crucial for creating an inclusive design. By neglecting to hire for diversity, businesses miss out on the valuable perspectives and insights that individuals from different backgrounds can bring. Diverse teams foster a more inclusive and empathetic approach to design, leading to more accessible eCommerce experiences.

By prioritizing inclusivity from the outset, you can create digital experiences that empower and include every user, regardless of their individual capabilities or disabilities.

What are the business benefits of inclusive design?

business benefits of inclusive design

Inclusive web design isn’t just about doing the right thing; it also brings several tangible benefits to businesses. Here’s why inclusive web design matters in the world of eCommerce:

Expanded MarketInclusive web design helps businesses reach a broader range of users, expanding their customer base.
Improved User ExperienceInclusive design leads to better user experiences, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Increased InnovationInclusive web design inspires creative ideas and innovative solutions that benefit all users.
Better Team EngagementPrioritizing inclusive web design boosts team members’ satisfaction and productivity.
Cost SavingsIncorporating accessibility features from the start helps avoid expensive retrofits and redesigns.
Positive Brand ImageInclusivity in web design demonstrates a commitment to diversity and fosters a positive brand image.

This leads to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and market share. The inclusivity in design also sparks innovation, enhances team engagement, and cultivates a positive brand image.


In conclusion, the importance of inclusive web design in the realm of eCommerce cannot be overstated. It is a transformative approach that breaks down barriers, fosters inclusivity, and creates a digital space that is accessible and empowering for all users. By embracing inclusive design principles, businesses can unlock a multitude of benefits, from expanding their market reach and enhancing the user experience to driving innovation and building a positive brand image.

At Default Value, we recognize the significance of inclusivity in web design and its impact on eCommerce. We are committed to championing inclusivity in all our endeavors. By incorporating inclusive web design principles into our digital solutions, we ensure that our platforms and products are accessible to individuals of diverse backgrounds and abilities. We strive to create intuitive and user-friendly experiences that leave no one behind.

Our team embraces diversity, seeking a wide range of perspectives and insights to shape our inclusive web design approach. We continuously engage with users, conduct research, and iterate on our designs to meet the evolving needs of our diverse audience.

As we move forward, we will continue to prioritize inclusive web design in eCommerce. We aim to set new standards for accessibility, foster inclusivity, and inspire positive change across the digital landscape. Together, let’s break down barriers, empower individuals, and create an inclusive eCommerce environment where everyone can thrive.

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